Strategic Plan 2024
Legacy Builders Ministries
“Re-Boot 2024”
Strategic transition plan created May 2024
Purpose of this document
April 22nd 2024 Legacy Builders is voted in a new board of directors and the remaining founding directors resigned effective May 1st 2024 ThIs document is a proposed strategic plan for a transition of Legacy Builders Ministry under this new leadership. We are grateful that the founding members are excited to pass this baton off to us as well as be available to advise us in our transition.
The new board of directors is: James Fish (President), Courtney Zehr (Vice President) Ken Morden (Secretary & Treasurer). Courtney Zehr was hired as the Executive Director and Beth Zehr was hired as an administrative assistant. The responsibilities to see the strategic plan implemented is upon Courtney Zehr in the role of executive director.
Courtney and Beth Zehr have served with Wycliffe BIble translators for many years and are currently assigned to Moody Aviation through JAARS. The Zehrs are resigning from Wycliffe and will be inviting their partners to move their prayer and financial support to Legacy Builders Ministries. They plan to fulfill their current commitments on loan to Moody aviation as well as launch the vision outlined in this document.
Legacy Builders Ministries has been dormant for the last few years and there was no donations or income at the time of transition. Although Courtney and Beth were hired Legacy Builders Ministries currently does not have the resources to meet the assigned Salaries. For this reason the first Priority is to increase our income so that we meet the vision that God has laid out to us.
Our Mission Statement
"Rooted in our Christian faith and inspired by 1 Peter 4:10, which says, 'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.' Our vision at Legacy Builders Ministries is to be a beacon of God's grace in action. We are dedicated to equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values to nurture their God-given talents, resources, and opportunities to serve others and further God's kingdom on earth. We strive to create communities where biblical stewardship is not just a principle but a living testimony, leaving a legacy of love, compassion, and grace to this generation and those to follow.
Short version of our mission statement:
'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms 1stPeter 4:10,
Our Primary Objectives
Model Christ’s unconditional love in all that we do.
Guide individuals into a lifestyle of inheritance, privilege and self worth. Created in God's image, adopted into His family with full inheritance and living a life of purpose.
Train people in Biblical stewardship principles through physical training centers and online resources. Train and enable trainers both locally and around the world.
A focus on sustainable agriculture as it is related to biblical stewardship.
Start our first overseas training center in Malawi Africa through partnership with the Source.
Develop a demonstration and training farm in Spokane WA.
Develop a plan to become a sending Organization.
Partner with existing Christian ministries, churches and schools.
Develop businesses to support the administrative costs, allowing donations to be allocated as desired at 100%
Do all things in full compliance and with best practices in all that we do. Invite 3rd parties to audit and give feedback wherever possible.
Action Plan List
List of things to be accomplished by the executive director, Courtney Zehr by December 2024. Each item will be presented to the Board for approval.
Establish an MOU from Legacy Builders to JAARS. This will enable the Zehrs to continue to serve through JAARs on Loan to Moody Aviation.
Establish an MOU between Legacy Builders and The Source Malawi/Spokane. This will enable the development of our first training Center in Malawi.
Connect with Crown Malawi ministries for training and potential partnerships.
Financial planning and accounting. Establish a transparent system of receiving donations, tracking donors and accounting. We plan to use Wayne Vinson’s CPA business to help establish and accomplish much of this. This also means developing budgets, fundraising guidance, setting up businesses, looking for grants etc.
Fundraising: Promote the ministry, looking for partnerships and donations. Create a strategic plan and determine what aspects to implement and prioritize. Establish financial Goals both for monthly needs and start up needs.
Employees, Staff, Volunteers. Advise the Board of Directors on the best practices of policies and structures for Employees, Staff, Volunteers and Supported Missionaries.
Create & Maintain Website to promote and Inform about the ministry. With a means of receiving donations.
Establish a Monthly Newsletter. Develop and maintain a subscription list.
Create a Policies and Procedure Handbook: To include: Behavior and Conduct Standards, Care and Benefits, Compensation-Related Matters, Member, Volunteer and Employment Relationships, Partnership Development, Time away from work, Work Performance Expectations.
Training center / demonstration farm planning. Begin developing training modules focused on agricultural stewardship. Both locally and internationally.
Establish coffee roasting and farming business plans.
Create a Board of Directors Handbook to guide our expansion of board members as outlined in our Bylaws. In the future.
Advisory Committees: Investigate the advantages of forming any advisory committees as outlined in the Bylaws.
Develop strategic plans for possible future sites of overseas training centers.
The Need for Sustainable Agriculture Training
Regrettably, the present state of the agricultural sector is far from sustainable. In the United States, the way farming is conducted has resulted in the annual depletion of hundreds of millions of tons of soil, occurring at a rate ten times higher than what is typical. Concurrently, the use of chemical fertilizers has surged significantly in major crops like soy and corn, detrimentally impacting the quality of water and soil in nearby regions. Additionally, the widespread use of pesticides persists in causing harm to the overall health of the land.
Over the last few years people have been alarmed by supply chain issues, inflation, shutdowns and more. Farming is now under attack by climate activists and there is a move by globalists purchasing large amounts of farmland. As a result there is a tremendous increase of people looking into more self sustainable farming systems. We believe that there is a huge need for Biblically minded stewardship practices related to our food supplies in the developed world.
In the developing world most people rely on subsistence farming to survive. Millions of people go hungry when in the dry seasons and chemical fertilizers are becoming increasingly expensive and have stripped the soil of microbes and nutrients. When used, sustainable farming techniques have increased yields by 3 to 4 times in the same area of land. It also becomes less expensive through mulch and self composting. We believe that Jesus’s reresection has broken the curse of poverty. Biblical stewardship training brings about the changes needed for individuals to work with dignity and purpose. Agricultural and stewardship training transforms poverty into abundance.
Both the developed and developing countries will benefit from Biblical stewardship farming models.
The Training / Demonstration farm
The demonstration farm will incorporate multiple farming techniques and have facilities for training small groups. The plan is to initially develop the 8.8 acre farm owned by Courtney and Beth Zehr located near Spokane Washington. This can be done through leasing options at normal business rates. We have a funding project to purchase our own property to house the demonstration Farm.
Investigate partnering with Moody Aviation in Spokane. They are interested in adding a missionary farming degree program.
Overseas Training Centers
As this is being developed in Spokane we are also moving forward with developing a training center in Malawi Africa. This will be done through partnership with The Source Malawi. A prioritized action plan will be developed considering the following Key Elements.
A Few Key Elements to Sustainable Farming:
Perennial Plants: Emphasize perennial crops like fruit trees and berry bushes, aligning with the concept of enduring and sustainable abundance.
Companion Planting: Implement companion planting strategies, reflecting the biblical idea of cooperation and mutual support among different species.
Heritage Plants: Developing plant crops that you can harvest the seeds for replanting every year.
Rainwater Harvesting: Collect and manage rainwater responsibly, emphasizing the importance of conserving and using water wisely.
Composting Systems: Promote composting to return organic matter to the soil, symbolizing renewal and responsible stewardship of resources.
Small Livestock: Raise small livestock, such as chickens or rabbits, in a way that reflects the biblical principle of caring for God's creatures.
Insect Farming: Raising insects to feed chickens. Cost savings on feed costs.
Beekeeping: Maintain and grow beehives to emphasize the importance of pollinators and the interconnectedness of life in God's creation.
Mulching: Apply mulch to garden beds to protect the soil, symbolizing nurturing and protecting the land.
Natural Pest Control: Encourage natural pest control methods that mirror the harmony and balance found in nature.
Seed Saving: Engage in seed saving practices to conserve and honor the diversity of God's creation.
Aquaculture Systems: Aquaponics use fish waste to feed nutrients to vegetables.
Economically Heated Greenhouses: Sand battery and solar power heated greenhouses to grow year round in cold climates.
Biochar Production: is a type of charcoal produced from organic materials. It transforms into a stable form of carbon that can be used to improve soil quality and sequester carbon in a more stable manner.
Worm Farming: Produces high quality compost, worms for gardens and food for animals.
Solar Dehydrators and Ovens: Utilize solar technology for food preservation and cooking.
Ethical harvesting and Butchering: respectful treatment of animals and responsible stewardship of natural resources
Local context related to agriculture. Laws, culture, natural resources etc.
Fundraising and Financial Plan Elements
The following elements will be considered in the development of our Financial Sustainability Plan
Donations: Courtney will be inviting his current financial and prayer partners to transfer to Legacy Builders. His first role will be Partnership Development through churches, individuals and like minded Christian and agricultural organizations. A donor management system will be implemented along with a monthly newsletter.
Grants: private foundations and government grants in the agriculture sector will be studied and sought.
Training Fees: As we begin modular training on the demonstration farm we can charge trainees for the class. Sales for non profit ministries are very limited and must meet the legal requirements.
Fundraising Events: Organize fundraising events that highlight the connection between faith, stewardship, and agriculture. Examples include harvest festivals, farm-to-table dinners, or educational workshops.
International Resources: As we develop in other countries we will look for partnerships with international ministries and government aid programs.
Merchandise: Merchandise promoting the ministry can be sold through the website and social media platforms.
Promotional Videos: A consistent video educational channel will be developed and maintained on our website and various social media platforms.
Business Ownership: Part of our strategic financial plan is to develop businesses to support our ministry. As a non-profit we are limited in what we can do in terms of business when operating directly under our non-profit entity. However a non-profit entity can own a for profit business. Profits from these businesses can go to the nonprofits ministry. Our goal is to own successful businesses that both provide good jobs and fully support our administration expenses. This will allow all donations to the ministry to go 100% to our projects. Many nonprofits use a percentage of donations to cover administrative expenses.
Compliance and Integrity: In all aspects we will be in compliance with all laws and regulations as well as adhere to best practices. We will establish transparency and have 3rd party auditors invited into every aspect of our operations.
Funding needs Estimations
Below are the estimated funds needed to meet the vision laid out in this strategic plan.
Monthly needed administrative staffing: $300,000 annually
Demonstration / Training Farm: $2,0000,000 complete startup
Malawi Training Center: $100,000 complete startup
Giving Thanks
We are grateful to have this vision laid on our hearts and eager to work towards these goals. It is a big vision and will only be accomplished through the moving of our God on the hearts of partners. Since we have seen His faithfulness in our lives in so many ways and the sense that this vision is His leading, We are giving Him praise and thanks for what He will do!